Anyone been through a redundancy process?
My company put all UK people on notice of redundancy today. I'm expecting my role to be made redundant and moved to an overseas office, they said the process would be completed by June.
I have a 3 month notice period and 13 years of employment.
Would I be entitled to anything beyond statutory redundancy pay?
Posted By: 51eve on February 26th 2025 at 16:23:57
Message Thread
- Anyone been through a redundancy process? (General Chat) - 51eve, Feb 26, 16:23:57
- Thanks everyone (General Chat) - 51eve, Feb 26, 18:30:17
- The company should also supply CV / mentorship help stuff (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Feb 26, 18:34:48
- Hey 51eve can drive the van! (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Feb 26, 19:03:47
- The company should also supply CV / mentorship help stuff (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Feb 26, 18:34:48
- Yes, one of the best things that happened to me (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Feb 26, 18:26:26
- That's what I did (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Feb 26, 18:40:09
- I got (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Feb 26, 17:24:49
- I've been through it and it was a real hammer blow (General Chat) - Charles21, Feb 26, 17:23:03
- Can I just make it clear, 51eve doesn’t work for me . (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Feb 26, 17:16:10
- Really sorry to hear that Steve (General Chat) - Old Man, Feb 26, 17:02:33
- Sorry hear that news 51eve (General Chat) - KentonCanary, Feb 26, 16:58:00
- That will be at your companies discretion (n/m) (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Feb 26, 16:57:03
- Sorry to hear that Steve, its an awful thing to go through, (General Chat) - megson, Feb 26, 16:56:42
- I believe our last Tory government put the kibosh on that and reduced the maximum (General Chat) - Pixelman, Feb 26, 17:06:40
- I’ve been through it four times in my life. Firstly It’s shit. (General Chat) - BigGrantHolt, Feb 26, 16:52:42
- Sorry to hear that, 51eve. (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Feb 26, 16:29:03
- Unless your contract calls out something different then the answer is no. (n/m) (General Chat) - earlydoors, Feb 26, 16:28:18
- There will be people better placed to discuss this than me but (General Chat) - camcan, Feb 26, 16:28:16
- Look at your contract. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Feb 26, 16:26:29
- Thanks everyone (General Chat) - 51eve, Feb 26, 18:30:17
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