Will things improve?
I’m fairly agnostic about rail companies being owned by the private or public sector.
What matters is the trains run on time, are clean and not too expensive.
Generally private sector companies are far better run that the public sector, sadly the railways have been used a cash cow for milking by their owners. Often the ownership is overseas too.
Posted By: JoeyDeacon on December 4th 2024 at 07:12:39
Message Thread
- Greater Angular to be renationalised. (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Dec 4, 06:08:29
- There must be some model between what we have at the moment - (General Chat) - CB41, Dec 4, 09:15:10
- Yes - those of us who remember British Rail certainly don't want to go back there (General Chat) - Old Man, Dec 4, 10:06:23
- We need to bring back British Rail sandwiches (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 4, 10:17:17
- * X link warning please, all the cool kids are on BlueSky now (General Chat) - Old Man, Dec 4, 10:18:24
- We need to bring back British Rail sandwiches (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 4, 10:17:17
- Yes - those of us who remember British Rail certainly don't want to go back there (General Chat) - Old Man, Dec 4, 10:06:23
- And South Western (General Chat) - BungysPie, Dec 4, 07:52:54
- Will things improve? (General Chat) - JoeyDeacon, Dec 4, 07:12:39
- It's re-nationisation lite (General Chat) - MORDENCANARY, Dec 4, 15:04:58
- what a load of rubbish (n/m) (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Dec 4, 06:53:46
- Disagree, general public infrastructure needs to be owned by the nation IMHO, but it (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Dec 4, 07:40:07
- Owned by the nation (General Chat) - Old Git, Dec 4, 08:26:11
- ^^^ this (General Chat) - Under soil heating, Dec 4, 10:30:10
- This has always been the challenge (General Chat) - Old Man, Dec 4, 10:10:18
- I can't think of much privately run national infrastructure that serves the nation well (General Chat) - Basil Wrathbone, Dec 4, 09:22:02
- I choose (General Chat) - CB41, Dec 4, 09:12:29
- Ooh you’re naughty 😉 (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Dec 4, 09:01:41
- If the modern British state (General Chat) - paulg, Dec 4, 07:43:58
- Owned by the nation (General Chat) - Old Git, Dec 4, 08:26:11
- choo choo (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Dec 4, 06:58:25
- Disagree, general public infrastructure needs to be owned by the nation IMHO, but it (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Dec 4, 07:40:07
- There must be some model between what we have at the moment - (General Chat) - CB41, Dec 4, 09:15:10
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