Greater Angular to be renationalised.
Posted By: Augustus Pablo on December 4th 2024 at 06:08:29
Message Thread
- Greater Angular to be renationalised. (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Dec 4, 06:08:29
- There must be some model between what we have at the moment - (General Chat) - CB41, Dec 4, 09:15:10
- Yes - those of us who remember British Rail certainly don't want to go back there (General Chat) - Old Man, Dec 4, 10:06:23
- We need to bring back British Rail sandwiches (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 4, 10:17:17
- * X link warning please, all the cool kids are on BlueSky now (General Chat) - Old Man, Dec 4, 10:18:24
- We need to bring back British Rail sandwiches (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 4, 10:17:17
- Yes - those of us who remember British Rail certainly don't want to go back there (General Chat) - Old Man, Dec 4, 10:06:23
- And South Western (General Chat) - BungysPie, Dec 4, 07:52:54
- Will things improve? (General Chat) - JoeyDeacon, Dec 4, 07:12:39
- It's re-nationisation lite (General Chat) - MORDENCANARY, Dec 4, 15:04:58
- what a load of rubbish (n/m) (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Dec 4, 06:53:46
- Disagree, general public infrastructure needs to be owned by the nation IMHO, but it (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Dec 4, 07:40:07
- Owned by the nation (General Chat) - Old Git, Dec 4, 08:26:11
- ^^^ this (General Chat) - Under soil heating, Dec 4, 10:30:10
- This has always been the challenge (General Chat) - Old Man, Dec 4, 10:10:18
- I can't think of much privately run national infrastructure that serves the nation well (General Chat) - Basil Wrathbone, Dec 4, 09:22:02
- I choose (General Chat) - CB41, Dec 4, 09:12:29
- Ooh you’re naughty 😉 (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Dec 4, 09:01:41
- If the modern British state (General Chat) - paulg, Dec 4, 07:43:58
- Owned by the nation (General Chat) - Old Git, Dec 4, 08:26:11
- choo choo (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Dec 4, 06:58:25
- Disagree, general public infrastructure needs to be owned by the nation IMHO, but it (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Dec 4, 07:40:07
- There must be some model between what we have at the moment - (General Chat) - CB41, Dec 4, 09:15:10
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