I like it when pheasants do that two squawk wing flap thing.the noise really travels
Posted By: Augustus Pablo on May 3rd 2024 at 19:17:28
Message Thread
- I like it when pheasants do that two squawk wing flap thing.the noise really travels (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, May 3, 19:17:28
- I was mowing the other day and saw a lady pheasant in long grass only a few feet in front. (General Chat) - norwaay, May 3, 19:20:41
- Nice. Yeah I do like them wandering about. (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, May 3, 20:23:48
- i enjoyed that. it was like an episode of animals of farthing wood (n/m) (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, May 3, 23:40:38
- Int nature briiiiliant (n/m) (General Chat) - norwaay, May 3, 20:29:19
- Nice. Yeah I do like them wandering about. (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, May 3, 20:23:48
- I was mowing the other day and saw a lady pheasant in long grass only a few feet in front. (General Chat) - norwaay, May 3, 19:20:41
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