SNP is an odd and possibly unique political party
in that they all agree on independence but not necessarily on anything else. Youv'e got the Katie Forbes wing who could govern with the Tories, the John Swinney wing who might try to get a more progressive arrangement in place, whole raft of others all with very different views on everything that matters, other than they thing there should be another referendum cos the last time the proles got the answer wrong.
Really they should do another election if, as seems likely, the best they will do is a different coalition configuration; they'd be mad to, though, cos SNP has a few minor issues right now and they might not do very well.
Posted By: Old Man on April 29th 2024 at 11:41:21
Message Thread
- NBBT: Scottish Gummint (General Chat) - Old Man, Apr 29, 11:29:50
- Gone (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Apr 29, 12:33:47
- This is why they shouldn't be allowed to govern themselves (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, Apr 29, 11:33:41
- ^^Laird^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Apr 29, 12:47:29
- SNP is an odd and possibly unique political party (General Chat) - Old Man, Apr 29, 11:41:21
- This whole shit show really illustrates the strength of “first past the post” elections (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 29, 12:40:23
- exactly (n/m) (General Chat) - shoddy, Apr 29, 14:16:47
- FPTP isn't immune to that though, is it really much different from the DUP propping up TM (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 29, 13:34:07
- A coalition of chaos propped up by terrorist sympathisers (General Chat) - Old Man, Apr 29, 17:50:06
- He has now resigned. (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Apr 29, 12:05:50
- BUGGER (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 29, 12:35:23
- Couldn't see him hanging around for the old vote of confidence. (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Apr 29, 12:45:07
- BUGGER (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 29, 12:35:23
- This whole shit show really illustrates the strength of “first past the post” elections (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 29, 12:40:23
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