Yup. But if I'm unhappy my taxes aren't
Funding a library, swimming pool, or they're wasting money on something I disagree with, I get a chance to vote for someone else. If the government are doing a s**t job, I get to vote them out. The BBC has no real benefit to society now. It's an outdated model. The viewing figures and demographic bear it out.
At least my other contributions to society are dictated by my earnings, the size of my house.
We get no choice with the BBC. You own a TV, they intimidate and threaten you into paying even if you don't watch the bbc.
We get no say in the content, no chance to vote in the leadership. They throw money around with no accountability because it's always on tap.
I had an "enforcement officer" turn up at my factory unit telling me I absolutely must have a license because I have laptops and mobile phones. They'll be sending investigators to check on me apparently. Letters demanding I pay within 14 days or face court proceedings. They trick and connive and lie and intimidate and the BBC pay them to. Fortunately I know I have nothing to worry about but it's a despicable way to behave.
Fuck them, I say.
Posted By: Captain Bligh on July 11th 2023 at 19:17:08
Message Thread
- Wall to wall coverage of this BBC PRESENTER story (General Chat) - Charles21, Jul 11, 09:50:57
- Woops! (General Chat) - Trent_Canary, Jul 11, 16:41:25
- Press finally got bored of Meghan and Schofield (n/m) (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Jul 11, 15:50:50
- I wonder Huw it is though? (n/m) (General Chat) - seminated_woolly, Jul 11, 13:09:23
- There was some talk that we may not be able to watch (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 15:55:10
- Oh surely not (General Chat) - Old Git, Jul 11, 14:57:59
- It's OK, he's (General Chat) - jamesward, Jul 11, 15:47:19
- thats the problem with having heroes (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Jul 11, 15:42:20
- What's the new's that they want to try and distract the public from? (n/m) (General Chat) - jimbo, Jul 11, 12:16:52
- given the subject matter of your posts in the past .... (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Jul 11, 12:36:23
- Aliens (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, Jul 11, 12:19:23
- Follows the Lineker and Schofield soap operas (General Chat) - SCC 28, Jul 11, 10:04:34
- Don’t forget that there’s a determination from many Tories (General Chat) - Chopper, Jul 11, 12:40:41
- It's not a Tory thing (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 14:56:06
- ....says a Tory (n/m) (General Chat) - Bertie Russell, Jul 11, 16:13:14
- It's not though. Now forget your politics nonsense (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 16:51:04
- Because it’s good for society to have a publicly funded broadcaster (General Chat) - Old Git, Jul 11, 17:49:54
- Yup. But if I'm unhappy my taxes aren't (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 19:17:08
- Because it’s good for society to have a publicly funded broadcaster (General Chat) - Old Git, Jul 11, 17:49:54
- It's not though. Now forget your politics nonsense (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 16:51:04
- ....says a Tory (n/m) (General Chat) - Bertie Russell, Jul 11, 16:13:14
- That’s definitely a factor (General Chat) - SCC 28, Jul 11, 12:47:23
- It's not a Tory thing (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 14:56:06
- Crazy how this is getting so much traction but the Osborne stuff is (General Chat) - megson, Jul 11, 10:30:02
- Isnt the Osborne situation simply (General Chat) - CB41, Jul 11, 17:05:10
- ...... (General Chat) - Old Splat, Jul 11, 12:50:23
- It's not crazy when you realise that's It's by design. (n/m) (General Chat) - jimbo, Jul 11, 12:17:58
- Media obsessed with themselves (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, Jul 11, 10:13:58
- This (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Jul 11, 14:59:40
- BBC terrified of being accused of not giving it due coverage (General Chat) - Bertie Russell, Jul 11, 11:21:40
- Don’t forget that there’s a determination from many Tories (General Chat) - Chopper, Jul 11, 12:40:41
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