Posted By: Trent_Canary on July 11th 2023 at 16:41:25
Message Thread
- Wall to wall coverage of this BBC PRESENTER story (General Chat) - Charles21, Jul 11, 09:50:57
- Woops! (General Chat) - Trent_Canary, Jul 11, 16:41:25
- Press finally got bored of Meghan and Schofield (n/m) (General Chat) - Lentil Weaver, Jul 11, 15:50:50
- I wonder Huw it is though? (n/m) (General Chat) - seminated_woolly, Jul 11, 13:09:23
- There was some talk that we may not be able to watch (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 15:55:10
- Oh surely not (General Chat) - Old Git, Jul 11, 14:57:59
- It's OK, he's (General Chat) - jamesward, Jul 11, 15:47:19
- thats the problem with having heroes (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Jul 11, 15:42:20
- What's the new's that they want to try and distract the public from? (n/m) (General Chat) - jimbo, Jul 11, 12:16:52
- given the subject matter of your posts in the past .... (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Jul 11, 12:36:23
- Aliens (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, Jul 11, 12:19:23
- Follows the Lineker and Schofield soap operas (General Chat) - SCC 28, Jul 11, 10:04:34
- Don’t forget that there’s a determination from many Tories (General Chat) - Chopper, Jul 11, 12:40:41
- It's not a Tory thing (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 14:56:06
- ....says a Tory (n/m) (General Chat) - Bertie Russell, Jul 11, 16:13:14
- It's not though. Now forget your politics nonsense (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 16:51:04
- Because it’s good for society to have a publicly funded broadcaster (General Chat) - Old Git, Jul 11, 17:49:54
- Yup. But if I'm unhappy my taxes aren't (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 19:17:08
- Because it’s good for society to have a publicly funded broadcaster (General Chat) - Old Git, Jul 11, 17:49:54
- It's not though. Now forget your politics nonsense (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 16:51:04
- ....says a Tory (n/m) (General Chat) - Bertie Russell, Jul 11, 16:13:14
- That’s definitely a factor (General Chat) - SCC 28, Jul 11, 12:47:23
- It's not a Tory thing (General Chat) - Captain Bligh, Jul 11, 14:56:06
- Crazy how this is getting so much traction but the Osborne stuff is (General Chat) - megson, Jul 11, 10:30:02
- Isnt the Osborne situation simply (General Chat) - CB41, Jul 11, 17:05:10
- ...... (General Chat) - Old Splat, Jul 11, 12:50:23
- It's not crazy when you realise that's It's by design. (n/m) (General Chat) - jimbo, Jul 11, 12:17:58
- Media obsessed with themselves (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, Jul 11, 10:13:58
- This (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Jul 11, 14:59:40
- BBC terrified of being accused of not giving it due coverage (General Chat) - Bertie Russell, Jul 11, 11:21:40
- Don’t forget that there’s a determination from many Tories (General Chat) - Chopper, Jul 11, 12:40:41
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