No- he was out of his crease when JB threw the ball
Posted By: SimonOTBC on July 3rd 2023 at 09:26:04
Message Thread
- Having had a night to sleep on it, I'm still fuming about the Aussies cheating (n/m) (Other Sports) - Basil Wrathbone, Jul 3, 07:51:26
- FFS you are alive and it's nice outside... (Other Sports) - usacanary, Jul 3, 16:53:19
- Not a cricket fan but (Other Sports) - ParrotPuncher, Jul 3, 12:45:56
- The obvious attempt to provoke and antagonistic wording aside (Other Sports) - Captain Bligh, Jul 3, 16:21:03
- There'd be a degree of justification just because its them, off the back of the sandpaper (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 16:24:21
- You're talking bollocks. (n/m) (Other Sports) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Jul 3, 13:03:49
- Don't bother Proth, not worth your time/blood pressure! (n/m) (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 13:21:09
- Not really, if it was the other way around you'd be laughing and celebrating (Other Sports) - ParrotPuncher, Jul 3, 13:10:09
- ^^ do not feed the troll ^^ (n/m) (Other Sports) - SimonOTBC, Jul 3, 12:47:03
- Old men raging in the clubhouse, privileged entitled moaning hypocrites (n/m) (Other Sports) - ParrotPuncher, Jul 3, 12:50:11
- The obvious attempt to provoke and antagonistic wording aside (Other Sports) - Captain Bligh, Jul 3, 16:21:03
- Its not cheating in the sense its within the laws but I agree it was grubby and (Other Sports) - Jim, Jul 3, 11:35:21
- This is just the Aussie way (Other Sports) - Under soil heating, Jul 3, 11:53:00
- VMT, we shouldn't go full Aussie, but we do need to be more aware that they will! (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 12:12:39
- I’d love to see us Mankad Carey (Other Sports) - Old Git, Jul 3, 13:17:28
- Ha ha that would be funny! If there was a god he'd have made him trip over his own feet (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 13:21:54
- I’d love to see us Mankad Carey (Other Sports) - Old Git, Jul 3, 13:17:28
- Broad not walking was wrong in my view, but two wrongs don’t make a right (Other Sports) - Jim, Jul 3, 12:12:34
- Going off on a tangent.... (Other Sports) - SimonOTBC, Jul 3, 12:45:46
- I also don’t like this new short bowling trend (Other Sports) - Jim, Jul 3, 12:14:11
- Tedious isn't it, but seemed to be effective. Although should have bowled at the stumps (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 12:59:48
- VMT, we shouldn't go full Aussie, but we do need to be more aware that they will! (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 12:12:39
- This is just the Aussie way (Other Sports) - Under soil heating, Jul 3, 11:53:00
- We should just bowl some grass cutters underarm (Other Sports) - Poirot, Jul 3, 10:07:39
- Hopefully Wood is fit for Headingley to give Carey some chin music (n/m) (Other Sports) - jamesward, Jul 3, 10:10:59
- Carey's got form for cheap like this too,he shoulder barged one of our bowlers to avoid b (Other Sports) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Jul 3, 10:02:21
- All very ungentlemanly but when have the Aussies ever been known for being gentlemanly. (n/m) (Other Sports) - DrDublin, Jul 3, 09:55:17
- what I really hated about the bairstow dismissal (Other Sports) - paulg, Jul 3, 09:57:49
- Yeah, it's a nod to the opposition that "I'm not trying to run" (Other Sports) - jamesward, Jul 3, 09:59:51
- The great big mulleted gallah's. (n/m) (Other Sports) - DrDublin, Jul 3, 09:56:45
- what I really hated about the bairstow dismissal (Other Sports) - paulg, Jul 3, 09:57:49
- It was immensely fucking shitty, but not cheating (Other Sports) - paulg, Jul 3, 09:52:09
- I could look back but what was the Wrath opinion on the Duckett/Starc catch? (n/m) (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 09:38:32
- I feel like i've entered some sort of parallel universe where you can let the ball hit (Other Sports) - Jim, Jul 3, 11:38:06
- Curious one. Starc was wiggling his fingers indicating that they were under the ball... (Other Sports) - Basil Wrathbone, Jul 3, 11:25:46
- Stark wasn't in control of his body as sliding and needed his hand (ball) for stability (n/m) (Other Sports) - Gazzaman, Jul 3, 09:59:46
- That was more like cheating imo (Other Sports) - jamesward, Jul 3, 09:41:48
- More importantly what did they have for lunch? (n/m) (Other Sports) - Adster, Jul 3, 09:36:27
- I’d imagine a decent amount of spit (n/m) (Other Sports) - SCC 28, Jul 3, 09:44:34
- You might want to search Labuschagne on twitter before getting too cross... (Other Sports) - 2KruhltobeKind, Jul 3, 09:01:56
- Not the same at all. labuschange batting outside his crease (Other Sports) - Jim, Jul 3, 11:39:15
- Its not the same thing. I don't think Carey cheated, but it is a little shitty (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 09:20:57
- It's not cheating, but nor's a Mankad (n/m) (Other Sports) - SimonOTBC, Jul 3, 09:24:24
- Yeah that's about ut,I think it's worse than a mankad really as you can see Ba irstow,touc (Other Sports) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Jul 3, 09:35:11
- I think the Mankad is becoming more acceptable TBH, at least in the short formats (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 11:09:44
- Crappy way to get it, but they are very much win at all costs. (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 09:37:27
- Agreed, proth. At least with a Mankad the batsman is trying to sneak an advantage (n/m) (Other Sports) - SimonOTBC, Jul 3, 09:36:11
- Yeah that's about ut,I think it's worse than a mankad really as you can see Ba irstow,touc (Other Sports) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Jul 3, 09:35:11
- Bairstow had been doing it regularly so Carey (Other Sports) - jamesward, Jul 3, 09:23:33
- Agreed, sneaky is a good word. Its a really shit way to get a wicket. (n/m) (Other Sports) - megson, Jul 3, 09:36:48
- It's not cheating, but nor's a Mankad (n/m) (Other Sports) - SimonOTBC, Jul 3, 09:24:24
- Circumstances are everything,if he played and missed and was leaning out of his ground (Other Sports) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Jul 3, 09:14:09
- Think Labuschagne was batting out of his crease (Other Sports) - jamesward, Jul 3, 09:17:47
- Totally (Other Sports) - SimonOTBC, Jul 3, 09:24:00
- Exactly. Sneaky, but obviously out (n/m) (Other Sports) - jamesward, Jul 3, 09:25:38
- Totally (Other Sports) - SimonOTBC, Jul 3, 09:24:00
- He has a point (Other Sports) - SCC 28, Jul 3, 09:16:35
- Nah, completely different situation (n/m) (Other Sports) - jamesward, Jul 3, 09:18:18
- But the batsman still left it (Other Sports) - SCC 28, Jul 3, 09:22:53
- No- he was out of his crease when JB threw the ball (n/m) (Other Sports) - SimonOTBC, Jul 3, 09:26:04
- I can’t tell from that vid (n/m) (Other Sports) - SCC 28, Jul 3, 09:32:40
- Yes, you're right, it's hard to tell (Other Sports) - SimonOTBC, Jul 3, 09:35:43
- I can’t tell from that vid (n/m) (Other Sports) - SCC 28, Jul 3, 09:32:40
- No- he was out of his crease when JB threw the ball (n/m) (Other Sports) - SimonOTBC, Jul 3, 09:26:04
- But the batsman still left it (Other Sports) - SCC 28, Jul 3, 09:22:53
- Nah, completely different situation (n/m) (Other Sports) - jamesward, Jul 3, 09:18:18
- Think Labuschagne was batting out of his crease (Other Sports) - jamesward, Jul 3, 09:17:47
- You don't know fuming until you've had your tweet read count (Other Sports) - Captain Bligh, Jul 3, 08:06:46
- It wasn’t cheating it was clever play and England were not smart enough. (Other Sports) - Boyer, Jul 3, 08:00:48
- Cricket (Other Sports) - letsbehavinyou, Jul 3, 08:44:49
- Australia have learned nothing from sandpaper gate. They will never change. (n/m) (Other Sports) - WalksietheReturn, Jul 3, 07:56:39
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