Yes - I am complaining to the club over the misleading advertising…

The advertising blurb “guaranteed” a ticket for the match pick but in the small print (“FAC”) this was restricted to “first come, first served” which IMHO constitutes a material fact that potentially allows me to cancel the contract.

Also not 100% sure but believe under one of the EU laws not yet cancelled I have a 14 day cooling off period to get my money back simply as I’ve changed my mind under distance selling!

The clubs system is still appalling- whilst it took 18 minutes to get through the queue (which is random) it then only allows you to select a match pick if you log on but doesn’t tell you to do so before you start and then the access is a tiny arrow beneath the game you pick.

Interested to hear the views of any legal experts on this.

The complaint will be winging its way to the club later!

Posted By: Ruttles on June 28th 2023 at 10:19:57

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