Overall he’s done ok but failed to grasp opportunities

In mitigation our ownership reduces his margin for error. He has to pretty much get everything right and he hasn’t always, especially with premier league level transfers.

The club was in nowhere near as bad a state off the pitch when he took over as he likes to make out and I struggle to believe we would not have improved the training ground to a degree anyway over the last 6 years but what he’s done there reflects well on him.

On the pitch he’s had three decent seasons and three poor ones. The first prem season perhaps excusable. The last two seasons less so. Failure to see/deal with obvious gaps in the squad my biggest gripe. He might have got away with it more had he shown a bit more humility.

He’s far from terrible but not quite as good as he perhaps thinks he is in my view. he leaves us in ok shape but not where we could have been had he been a bit better at seeing what was needed at the top level. Jury also remains out over his Wagner appointment.

Posted By: Jim on June 13th 2023 at 15:28:52

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