Norwich City women FC

I dont normally post about the ladies team, but I thought about something over the weekend and thought I would share it here.

I know Shaun Howes is doing a great job but there is always room for improvment to the team, right?

More and more we are seeing women with a penis outperforming other women in other sports.

I think the club should embrace this and bring more women with a penis into the team. We would show the world that we are progressive in Norfolk and would show the club in a good way across the country (and beyond).

Maybe we should try to have half our squad with these women with a penis players? The other half can be people with cervixes so that everything is balanced - we dont want to upset the PC crowd!

I'm going to be a little controversial here by suggesting that we have a cis-woman as manager though (sorry Shaun!). Nothing against men managing womens teams, but that just doesn't sit right with me.

I think we would get a lot of good publicity for this move, and may even attract inwards investment??

What do you think wrathers?

Posted By: shoddy on March 21st 2022 at 07:05:52

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