the "if i ruled the world game" on the wireless, what 1 thing would you change?

basically a load of celebs were asked what one thing would they change if they werre suddenly in charge of the world. i don't know some of them but below are the runners and riders... so the q is; what would you do? one thing. hmmmm? of the list i'd go along with sue perkins free further education in return for compulsory community/national service but my idea would be instead of bolt-on/infill housing developments to existing settlements, i'd build brand new towns with their own renewable energy stations and brand new infrastructure (sewage, schools, med centres, shopping etc) that could efficiently cope and be environmentally friendly (electric public transport that sort of ting).

@numanofficial cut spending, invest in green energy
@Gailporter tackle hate, spread love
@rickyontour put clocks on all public buildings
@almurray do nothing
@bez_Beerspotter Shut down banking system
@robertcarlyle_ Children to read 1 book a month
@maryportas Measure happiness not GDP
@eddieizzard Illegal for a job to be automated
@sueperkins Free uni, compulsory community service
@Nick_Hewer Petrol engine noise on electric cars
@TitchmarshShow Subsidies to grow your own veg
@Matt Baker 1/2 profits on fruit + veg goes to farmers
@susie_dent Ban cookies pop-ups
@RobbieRinder Shutdown tax havens
@David215Gower Increase UK trade with China
@John Lanchester Social media firms responsible for all content

p.s. i do realise that it's ruling the world game but i've scaled it down to be uk centric because i couldnt be doing with all the faff ruling an entire planet would entail imagine that.

Posted By: Tombs on December 20th 2021 at 12:59:48

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