That very much depends on your view of the squad

Is it rubbish and not underperforming?

Is it underperforming a little?

Is it underperforming significantly?

I'd say it's underperforming significantly at this point in time. Results have been poor, but more worryingly, the performances have been even worse.

I'd go along with your approach of hanging on to Farke if he could move us up to not underperforming, but simply not being good enough.

I don't see the point in continuing with him though if the performances continue to be hopeless. We might as well just forfeit the rest of our fixtures in that case.

I wouldn't worry overly about the impact of relegation on the morale of the squad. There will be significant change in playing personnel and the championship is a very different beast. A coupe of wins change everything.

Posted By: SimonOTBC on November 3rd 2021 at 12:23:45

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