Our midfield was the clear priority, recruitment issue

We've got:
Normann - got in last minute, looks incredible for 70mins, will probably tackle his way to injury for a few games soon

PLM - looks fine but a bit lightweight and in and out of the team

Kenny - looks as good as he did last time in the Prem, runs about but often nowhere near the action and lots of poor passing

Gilmour - not a clue why we signed him, looks nothing like what we needed, clearly going to be a good player, probably needs to come in vs Brentford and stake his claim. Either build round him or send him back

Rupp - Binned since Man City? Always been miscast since signed, gets an unfair rap in my opinion, he's not much different to Kenny really but I think his ceiling is a bit higher if he was given a run

Sorensen - bad recruitment?

Cantwell - build around him or sell him at this point for me.

What on earth do you do with that lot, eh?

Rupp, Normann, Gilmour, Cantwell in a diamond? Todd at the tip.

Then it's whether you pair that with 4 at the back, 2 at the top, or 5 and 1.

What about a 4231 with Rupp or PLM with Normann then Gilmour, Cantwell and Rashica in front.

Posted By: trafford_canary on November 2nd 2021 at 09:27:25

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