Sheff utd spent hugely and Watford have a prem squad
We should be doing better clearly
Posted By: Joe Strimmer on October 26th 2021 at 10:43:28
Message Thread
- Good article (NCFC) - Joe Strimmer, Oct 26, 08:51:02
- ? (n/m) (NCFC) - Huge Small, Oct 26, 09:22:55
- It is fair (NCFC) - Duck, Oct 26, 09:16:50
- Sheff utd spent hugely and Watford have a prem squad (NCFC) - Joe Strimmer, Oct 26, 10:43:28
- That's it, perhaps staying up would be beyond us, but there's a difference (NCFC) - megson, Oct 26, 10:08:32
- Exactly (NCFC) - Duck, Oct 26, 10:21:50
- Both (n/m) (NCFC) - Larry Hagman, Oct 26, 11:09:33
- Exactly (NCFC) - Duck, Oct 26, 10:21:50
- It's complicated isn't it. (NCFC) - trafford_canary, Oct 26, 10:03:29
- Maintaining it is the problem (NCFC) - Elmham Yellow, Oct 26, 09:55:26
- Farke specifically said similar. Defensive teams struggle second season if they survive. (NCFC) - trafford_canary, Oct 26, 10:06:22
- No mention of wealthy owners skewing the system (NCFC) - trt354, Oct 26, 09:02:12
- I'd love to see some analysis on results. (NCFC) - trafford_canary, Oct 26, 10:10:49
- No mention (n/m) (NCFC) - trt354, Oct 26, 08:59:39
- Yes, quite right. (n/m) (NCFC) - paulg, Oct 26, 08:57:04
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