I was very apprehensive before the game but very glad I went

EVERYONE seemed to be in a queue outside the ground and it was tricky working out if you were in the right one and not just on your way to Yellows or something but after I'd picked a queue, we seemed to move quite quickly. I noticed they seemed to have dropped the bag search bit which speeded things up.

I had a plan for the end of the game that I would wait for the mad rush to go first but it turned out the rest of my row had the same plan. I felt more in control that way though.

CR looked beautiful in the sun. (Lotus) Flags felt a step up from clappers and the blue Aviva scarves we were given once but not as cool as the ACN/BEP ones.

Posted By: Bravo win or die on August 15th 2021 at 11:16:05

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