What badminton really needs

Is a sustained period of case numbers dropping.

I was looking at kicking things off with scheduled singles matches back in September with a view to expanding things out as confidence returned.

At that stage the leisure centres weren't opening the halls again.

Then weirdly got a call from them out of the blue about a week before (Wales) locked down offering me courts at another centre. Suspect they're financially beggared.

Can run the club at a loss for a couple of months, but am not going to get it up and running again if we're facing tightening restrictions.

Most likely approach will be for members to use the club WhatsApp group to arrange some singles matches for those who are interested. Not sure whether that'd breach our insurance tho (we need safeguarding officers...)

Nothing is ever simple anymore...

Posted By: Cardiff Canary on November 2nd 2020 at 15:28:05

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