This is a conspiracy to drive me mad.
Posted By: paulg on October 30th 2020 at 13:30:46
Message Thread
- This question (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 13:26:45
- Uno (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Oct 30, 14:48:41
- Depends on the filling (General Chat) - Cardiff Canary, Oct 30, 14:36:34
- Re: butter/spread I now follow the Marc Radcliffe method for beans on toast... (General Chat) - Wild Edric, Oct 30, 14:27:30
- Never butter hot toast. Always let it cool 1st (n/m) (General Chat) - jampersands, Oct 30, 17:59:13
- Jumbo prefers to penetrate a spread barrier (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Oct 30, 14:36:19
- Ha ha ha - with hot beans (n/m) (General Chat) - Wild Edric, Oct 30, 14:40:37
- The wroth at its most useful 👍👍 (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 14:29:17
- One (n/m) (General Chat) - yellowman, Oct 30, 14:19:54
- Neither (General Chat) - SCC 28, Oct 30, 14:10:43
- ^^ has never eaten a jambon-beurre ^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Oct 30, 14:24:26
- You’re a super spreader regardless (General Chat) - SCC 28, Oct 30, 14:01:11
- I do my best 💪💪 (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 14:05:56
- Is it going in a toastie maker? (n/m) (General Chat) - inutero, Oct 30, 13:51:47
- Cheese toastie? (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Oct 30, 15:37:58
- No (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 13:53:32
- Then butter on one side each slice only (n/m) (General Chat) - inutero, Oct 30, 13:57:56
- And why did you say I would have loved to be the dead gay Black footballer (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Oct 30, 13:41:49
- don't be such a bore (General Chat) - CWC, Oct 30, 13:58:43
- Aaaaaaaaaaggggggh (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 13:44:14
- this post?? (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Oct 30, 15:39:29
- Forget about your unexplained insult. okie dokie lol (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Oct 30, 15:36:49
- For God's sake (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 16:14:52
- ok I think I found it. The one about (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Oct 30, 18:16:58
- haha how can I see a deleted post? Riddiculous. Funny how you'll state something (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Oct 30, 18:12:35
- For God's sake (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 16:14:52
- As in one side of each slice? Or one side in total across both slices? (General Chat) - megson, Oct 30, 13:31:14
- Ah sorry - my question was badly phrased (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 13:34:02
- That then, yes (General Chat) - jamesward, Oct 30, 14:29:38
- Both pieces one side obviously (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 30, 13:55:04
- No wonder you’re Jumbo (General Chat) - Old Git, Oct 30, 14:01:31
- Both (n/m) (General Chat) - Saucerer, Oct 30, 13:36:49
- Correct (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 13:44:39
- surely that's the only sensible way (General Chat) - CWC, Oct 30, 13:57:12
- What if you butter one slice twice as thickly? (General Chat) - Timmy_Goat, Oct 30, 18:31:10
- Yes,especially if the unbuttered piece is on top. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Oct 30, 18:33:54
- Or bottom. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Oct 30, 18:34:12
- Yes,especially if the unbuttered piece is on top. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Oct 30, 18:33:54
- I thought so- insane children (and OG) (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 14:07:12
- Another fatty outs himself (General Chat) - Old Git, Oct 30, 14:05:22
- What if you butter one slice twice as thickly? (General Chat) - Timmy_Goat, Oct 30, 18:31:10
- surely that's the only sensible way (General Chat) - CWC, Oct 30, 13:57:12
- Correct (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 13:44:39
- Ah sorry - my question was badly phrased (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 13:34:02
- One. (n/m) (General Chat) - Timmy_Goat, Oct 30, 13:29:49
- Butter the inside of one of the two slices of bread (General Chat) - Timmy_Goat, Oct 30, 16:07:30
- This is a conspiracy to drive me mad. (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 13:30:46
- One, obviously (n/m) (General Chat) - jamesward, Oct 30, 13:28:14
- You're joking I assume? (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 30, 13:30:18
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