"he really should be supporting the government in public"... you mean like the Iraq war...
that Corbyn voted against, whereby the UK were unable to find any WMD, Iraq said they didn't have them, we went to war anyway, hundreds of thousands of people died, and it turned out that Iraq didn't have them.
Posted By: Larry Hagman on March 14th 2018 at 13:10:49
Message Thread
- meanwhile in Corbynland (Other Sports) - shoddy, Mar 14, 12:27:10
- Why is this a problem?? (n/m) (Other Sports) - essexcanaryOTBC, Mar 14, 13:37:26
- V weak. (n/m) (Other Sports) - norway, Mar 14, 13:15:01
- Yep..ought to be a strong unified response to Russian aggression ... (Other Sports) - yellowman, Mar 14, 14:00:14
- Actually, I didn't much care for Corbyn's whataboutery speech tbh. (Other Sports) - norway, Mar 14, 14:23:40
- Yep..ought to be a strong unified response to Russian aggression ... (Other Sports) - yellowman, Mar 14, 14:00:14
- Guido's website is a disgrace more like (n/m) (Other Sports) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 14, 13:12:12
- I find it quite funny at times. (n/m) (Other Sports) - Hulk Rules, Mar 14, 13:15:44
- Spaff (n/m) (Other Sports) - Higher Wrather, Mar 14, 13:01:34
- A disgrace for not having eyes in the back of his head? Go to town on the MP involved (Other Sports) - megson, Mar 14, 12:56:53
- He's captain of the ship (n/m) (Other Sports) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 14, 13:17:25
- Oof. ^ Warning: Guido link ^ (n/m) (Other Sports) - bird table, Mar 14, 12:52:59
- Why? (n/m) (Other Sports) - Larry Hagman, Mar 14, 12:32:17
- as leader of the opposition (Other Sports) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 14, 12:41:08
- "he really should be supporting the government in public"... you mean like the Iraq war... (Other Sports) - Larry Hagman, Mar 14, 13:10:49
- like i said the opposition should support the government (Other Sports) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 14, 13:24:05
- there wasn't any evidence then either ffs (Other Sports) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 14, 15:08:04
- Not if they think the gov is wrong (n/m) (Other Sports) - Larry Hagman, Mar 14, 13:29:59
- like i said the opposition should support the government (Other Sports) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 14, 13:24:05
- I don't get it. 1) The bloke is behind him, 2) Russia hasn't been communist since 1991 (n/m) (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Mar 14, 12:43:42
- and the bloke writes for the newspaper that he's holding (n/m) (Other Sports) - Larry Hagman, Mar 14, 13:12:50
- Come off it (Other Sports) - Azteca, Mar 14, 12:52:00
- Fair enough... (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Mar 14, 12:54:13
- "he really should be supporting the government in public"... you mean like the Iraq war... (Other Sports) - Larry Hagman, Mar 14, 13:10:49
- as leader of the opposition (Other Sports) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 14, 12:41:08
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