A disgrace for not having eyes in the back of his head? Go to town on the MP involved
if you want.
It's hardly Corbyn's fault.
Posted By: megson on March 14th 2018 at 12:56:53
Message Thread
- meanwhile in Corbynland (Other Sports) - shoddy, Mar 14, 12:27:10
- Why is this a problem?? (n/m) (Other Sports) - essexcanaryOTBC, Mar 14, 13:37:26
- V weak. (n/m) (Other Sports) - norway, Mar 14, 13:15:01
- Yep..ought to be a strong unified response to Russian aggression ... (Other Sports) - yellowman, Mar 14, 14:00:14
- Actually, I didn't much care for Corbyn's whataboutery speech tbh. (Other Sports) - norway, Mar 14, 14:23:40
- Yep..ought to be a strong unified response to Russian aggression ... (Other Sports) - yellowman, Mar 14, 14:00:14
- Guido's website is a disgrace more like (n/m) (Other Sports) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 14, 13:12:12
- I find it quite funny at times. (n/m) (Other Sports) - Hulk Rules, Mar 14, 13:15:44
- Spaff (n/m) (Other Sports) - Higher Wrather, Mar 14, 13:01:34
- A disgrace for not having eyes in the back of his head? Go to town on the MP involved (Other Sports) - megson, Mar 14, 12:56:53
- He's captain of the ship (n/m) (Other Sports) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 14, 13:17:25
- Oof. ^ Warning: Guido link ^ (n/m) (Other Sports) - bird table, Mar 14, 12:52:59
- Why? (n/m) (Other Sports) - Larry Hagman, Mar 14, 12:32:17
- as leader of the opposition (Other Sports) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 14, 12:41:08
- "he really should be supporting the government in public"... you mean like the Iraq war... (Other Sports) - Larry Hagman, Mar 14, 13:10:49
- like i said the opposition should support the government (Other Sports) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 14, 13:24:05
- there wasn't any evidence then either ffs (Other Sports) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 14, 15:08:04
- Not if they think the gov is wrong (n/m) (Other Sports) - Larry Hagman, Mar 14, 13:29:59
- like i said the opposition should support the government (Other Sports) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 14, 13:24:05
- I don't get it. 1) The bloke is behind him, 2) Russia hasn't been communist since 1991 (n/m) (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Mar 14, 12:43:42
- and the bloke writes for the newspaper that he's holding (n/m) (Other Sports) - Larry Hagman, Mar 14, 13:12:50
- Come off it (Other Sports) - Azteca, Mar 14, 12:52:00
- Fair enough... (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Mar 14, 12:54:13
- "he really should be supporting the government in public"... you mean like the Iraq war... (Other Sports) - Larry Hagman, Mar 14, 13:10:49
- as leader of the opposition (Other Sports) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 14, 12:41:08
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