Why are the media so obssessed with the texas floods?

unreal coverage versus similar events elsewhere in the world in recent times and then after 15 mins of blah blah blah they go to a piece about North Korea and some US ambassador cryarsing about how enough is enough and I'm thinking hang on a f**king minute, you "suspected" Saddam Hussein had WMD and you and that awful c**t Blair couldn't wait to send 300,000+ troops in and now Korea blast one off over Japan, over f**king Japan ffs, and it's "ooh, this is so wrong please stop it or we'll have to ratchet up some more sanctions on yo chubby ass y'all".

f**ked up

still, the bake off has returned so not all doom and gloom.

Posted By: Tombs on August 30th 2017 at 09:31:46

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