I'm not bothered about comparisons right now. Not if we're thinking long term

We're not Watford with their big bucks and love of changing their manager every year; we're not Bournemouth given what they spend on wages. And we've gone from supposedly following the Charlton model all those years ago to - and how underwhelming does this sound - the Huddersfield model now.

My point being: other clubs will have their day in the sun; a handful might prolong their success (best long term example: West Brom, but they've got more money now, and play eyebleeding football which Norwich fans would never put up with); but most outside the Premier League top 7 will probably fail before too long.

In our case, our lack of resources mean - and this is what SeattleSounders was getting at - our glass ceiling is probably getting into the Prem at all. Staying there looks beyond the means of our owners, and we'll have to box incredibly clever to someday change that.

Posted By: thebigfeller on July 10th 2017 at 07:55:54

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