Disembowelling, youve obviously never seen it,or you wouldnt use the term.....

I stand by my assertion that Bercow had no place to comment (in his capacity as Speaker) as he did. Its nothing to do with Trump or the rights and wrongs of his policies.

I also stand by my comment about treating odious leaders in the same way and God knows, there's enough of them. In answer to your throwaway remark from last night, I've worked in Kuwait so I know first hand what the ruling family are like and the Gulf is full of similar examples.

My view was and remains that the role of Speaker is apolitical and as such he should remain impartial and that has always been the case. I bet he didn't confer with the other two 'keepers of the keys' before he opened his mouth. Plenty of other people have voiced their opposition to Trump; there was no need for his intervention, it was attention seeking pure and simple.

As for you; you always have attacked anyone on here who has a contrary opinion to you. You don't debate, you just (try to) demean and belittle those who dare to disagree with you. That's why I largely ignore you, because there's no point in disagreeing with you. Anyone who does, is almost always WRONG.

Posted By: Kirrie on February 7th 2017 at 16:17:28

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