What have I said that is loopy?

I stand by my view that Bercow is seeking cheap adulation/publicity to boost his ego (and probably some kind of Ballesque rebirth once he finishes as speaker). His outburst is hypocritical given his stance in relation to some previous visitors.

I don't like Trump and think he's dangerous on the world stage but by the same token don't think the reporting of issues such as the "Muslim travel ban" has been balanced and also think/recognise that for the good of our country and the world we need to continue to work with our closest and most powerful ally. I just happen to think we should be speaking to and engaging with all world leaders as constructively as we can (I include Putin in that too) and not flouncing around in a huff and getting hysterical because someone we don't like won an election in a foreign country. He's there, he's elected and we should concentrate on trying to reign him in through engagement rather than getting into personal spats for the sake of cheap publicity for the speaker of the house of commons. I don't think that is particularly loopy.

Posted By: Jim on February 7th 2017 at 08:46:05

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