Weren't the predictions about what would happen after we left the EU?
Seeing as how we haven't yet left the EU how are they wrong?
That was always my understanding anyway that the bulk of the predictions dealt with the economy post brexit not post brexit vote.
Posted By: megson on January 6th 2017 at 13:40:32
Message Thread
- So is it now the case that post-truth turns out to be alright, after all? (General Chat) - paulg, Jan 6, 13:32:41
- "UK credit binge approaching levels not seen since 2008 crash" (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Jan 6, 14:40:46
- Gah! (n/m) (General Chat) - yellowman, Jan 6, 14:26:28
- Bit harsh trying to pin it all on a national treasure that is a 72 year old weather man? (n/m) (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, Jan 6, 13:49:23
- Weren't the predictions about what would happen after we left the EU? (General Chat) - megson, Jan 6, 13:40:32
- isn't one of the reasons the economy is 'booming' now... (General Chat) - mr carra, Jan 6, 14:29:37
- No - there were some predictions based on the vote result itself (General Chat) - CWC, Jan 6, 14:25:25
- I don't think so - otherwise Haldane wouldn't have admitted that they ballsed it all up (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Jan 6, 14:06:45
- You're right. This is the phony war. In fact, it's not even that because we haven't (General Chat) - Higher Wrather, Jan 6, 13:48:08
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