've summed up my film watching with minironette experience
Posted By: CauldRon on November 23rd 2016 at 13:50:52
Message Thread
- City Fathers: Advice needed (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 23, 12:45:42
- Rescue Bots is where it's at. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Nov 23, 14:13:02
- And there's an Optimus Primes in it. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Nov 23, 14:15:50
- Robots in Disguise is MUCH better - Rescue bots was skipped. (General Chat) - megson, Nov 23, 14:49:45
- And there's an Optimus Primes in it. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Nov 23, 14:15:50
- Yes to both (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Nov 23, 13:04:09
- Plot Twist: I've already given him Prime. And I didn't seek the ebay price until Monday. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 23, 13:07:23
- not sure ebay price is much of an issue (General Chat) - CWC, Nov 23, 13:37:18
- having handed Prime over on Sunday. You can't put a price on Cityfathering. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 23, 13:08:08
- Plot Twist: I've already given him Prime. And I didn't seek the ebay price until Monday. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 23, 13:07:23
- 1) NO. Give it another couple of years, Prime deserves more respect than a 3yr old can (General Chat) - megson, Nov 23, 13:03:06
- (1) Yes. Don't understand why this needs asking. (General Chat) - CWC, Nov 23, 12:49:37
- Please make sure it is the 1980s cartoon transformer filum (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Nov 23, 12:57:53
- This. Except don't forget that Prime dies and its laid on pretty think for a 5 yr old (General Chat) - megson, Nov 23, 13:07:56
-'ve summed up my film watching with minironette experience (n/m) (General Chat) - CauldRon, Nov 23, 13:50:52
- This. Except don't forget that Prime dies and its laid on pretty think for a 5 yr old (General Chat) - megson, Nov 23, 13:07:56
- Please make sure it is the 1980s cartoon transformer filum (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Nov 23, 12:57:53
- Rescue Bots is where it's at. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Nov 23, 14:13:02
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