not sure ebay price is much of an issue
Looking at the cost of Santa's shopping list this year, any alternative toy is probably going to be just as 'spenny...
...and probably far less robust (but also probably free of whatever toxins were in old toys, so swings & roundabouts)
Posted By: CWC on November 23rd 2016 at 13:37:18
Message Thread
- City Fathers: Advice needed (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 23, 12:45:42
- Rescue Bots is where it's at. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Nov 23, 14:13:02
- And there's an Optimus Primes in it. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Nov 23, 14:15:50
- Robots in Disguise is MUCH better - Rescue bots was skipped. (General Chat) - megson, Nov 23, 14:49:45
- And there's an Optimus Primes in it. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Nov 23, 14:15:50
- Yes to both (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Nov 23, 13:04:09
- Plot Twist: I've already given him Prime. And I didn't seek the ebay price until Monday. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 23, 13:07:23
- not sure ebay price is much of an issue (General Chat) - CWC, Nov 23, 13:37:18
- having handed Prime over on Sunday. You can't put a price on Cityfathering. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 23, 13:08:08
- Plot Twist: I've already given him Prime. And I didn't seek the ebay price until Monday. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 23, 13:07:23
- 1) NO. Give it another couple of years, Prime deserves more respect than a 3yr old can (General Chat) - megson, Nov 23, 13:03:06
- (1) Yes. Don't understand why this needs asking. (General Chat) - CWC, Nov 23, 12:49:37
- Please make sure it is the 1980s cartoon transformer filum (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Nov 23, 12:57:53
- This. Except don't forget that Prime dies and its laid on pretty think for a 5 yr old (General Chat) - megson, Nov 23, 13:07:56
-'ve summed up my film watching with minironette experience (n/m) (General Chat) - CauldRon, Nov 23, 13:50:52
- This. Except don't forget that Prime dies and its laid on pretty think for a 5 yr old (General Chat) - megson, Nov 23, 13:07:56
- Please make sure it is the 1980s cartoon transformer filum (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Nov 23, 12:57:53
- Rescue Bots is where it's at. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Nov 23, 14:13:02
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