Flew one in ‘nam back in January ’68, during the Tet Offensive. Me and Edward ‘Dinger’
Bell were seconded to the 101st Airborne Division helping to maintain their fleet of Bell OH-58 Kiowas, mainly to do with the sides, and fronts.
One night me and Dinger were called up for a black op near Khe Sanh where about 6000 US marines, army and ARVN defenders were surrounded by two or three divisions of North Vietnamese. Me and Dinger were so lit up on a homemade mix of Cambodian psyche pastilles, jungle horse and heroin cakes, that Dinger fell out, right over the side, over Ban Phuong.
In 1984 a group of s**t australian ponces found him living near the Banghiang river at Ban Tathayxe in an oil barrel. He was dressed as a little elf and kept singing. His cock was in a jar on a stump outside.
Posted By: malkybarkid on October 19th 2016 at 15:05:07
Message Thread
- #norfolkfact from my big book of norfolk facts (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:06:29
- Do, do, doo... (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Oct 19, 14:22:00
- Flew one in ‘nam back in January ’68, during the Tet Offensive. Me and Edward ‘Dinger’ (General Chat) - malkybarkid, Oct 19, 15:05:07
- YAY ^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Oct 19, 16:54:46
- Haha, thank fuck for that. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Oct 19, 15:46:23
- Flew one in ‘nam back in January ’68, during the Tet Offensive. Me and Edward ‘Dinger’ (General Chat) - malkybarkid, Oct 19, 15:05:07
- You omitted to tell us where beacon his though. (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Oct 19, 14:19:02
- Bristol (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 14:19:48
- hill (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Oct 19, 14:19:16
- that was ver remiss of me humble apologogiogies (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:23:35
- I must have emptied a whole hip flask the last time I climbed that (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Oct 19, 14:27:12
- did you strike out from base camp or do it in stages? (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:32:35
- did get a bit wheezy on the way up (General Chat) - promethian1, Oct 19, 14:38:47
- i've got bagging all the norfolk peaks on my bucket list (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:49:12
- I was up St James' Hill earlier. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Oct 19, 14:57:28
- it is norfolk legend that on a clear night you can see many moons up there (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:59:03
- If you swallow some neon, your jizz goes all hallouminous. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Oct 19, 15:48:03
- it is norfolk legend that on a clear night you can see many moons up there (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:59:03
- Do them all in 1 day (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 14:51:26
- is that even humanly possible? (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:53:01
- let's find out! (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 14:55:29
- it's a bit late now shall we do it tomorrer? (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:57:51
- some of us have to work *cough* for a living - Saturday morning before footy should be OK? (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 15:01:04
- i've allocated 4 hours in my weekend filofax. we are on #letsdothisshit (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 15:12:19
- don't forget the flags to put on the summits (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 15:15:02
- i've got two we could do some selfies and mix them up a bit nobody will notice (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 15:37:49
- don't forget the flags to put on the summits (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 15:15:02
- i've allocated 4 hours in my weekend filofax. we are on #letsdothisshit (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 15:12:19
- some of us have to work *cough* for a living - Saturday morning before footy should be OK? (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 15:01:04
- it's a bit late now shall we do it tomorrer? (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:57:51
- let's find out! (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 14:55:29
- it could be a great tourist attraction like the 3 peaks challange (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 14:52:07
- brought to you in association colmans mustodses (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:54:56
- is that even humanly possible? (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:53:01
- I was up St James' Hill earlier. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Oct 19, 14:57:28
- i've got bagging all the norfolk peaks on my bucket list (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:49:12
- did get a bit wheezy on the way up (General Chat) - promethian1, Oct 19, 14:38:47
- did you strike out from base camp or do it in stages? (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:32:35
- I must have emptied a whole hip flask the last time I climbed that (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Oct 19, 14:27:12
- that was ver remiss of me humble apologogiogies (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 14:23:35
- Do, do, doo... (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Oct 19, 14:22:00
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