You can have it for free if you have sky sports
but if you sign up to the deal where you get two years free broadband then you are resubscribing into a 18 month deal with the line rental, sky talk and the broadband.
Posted By: BungysPie on June 24th 2014 at 16:28:51
Message Thread
- Sky sports 5 (NCFC) - hucksmyman, Jun 24, 12:42:19
- You can have it for free if you have sky sports (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 24, 16:28:51
- mate has just got it you don't psy for it (NCFC) - eddie, Jun 24, 13:00:56
- doesn't it just come as part of the sports package? (NCFC) - city_lad, Jun 24, 12:44:46
- Did you read the terms and conditions? (NCFC) - Yellalee, Jun 24, 12:44:31
- It's a pay channel. ITV Encore isn't. (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Jun 24, 12:43:32
- So it's not free? As in I have bt and sky sports which I pay for (n/m) (NCFC) - hucksmyman, Jun 24, 12:44:13
- Well, it's included in the channels you pay for. (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Jun 24, 12:45:51
- So it's not free? As in I have bt and sky sports which I pay for (n/m) (NCFC) - hucksmyman, Jun 24, 12:44:13
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