It's a pay channel. ITV Encore isn't.
Posted By: norway on June 24th 2014 at 12:43:32
Message Thread
- Sky sports 5 (NCFC) - hucksmyman, Jun 24, 12:42:19
- You can have it for free if you have sky sports (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 24, 16:28:51
- mate has just got it you don't psy for it (NCFC) - eddie, Jun 24, 13:00:56
- doesn't it just come as part of the sports package? (NCFC) - city_lad, Jun 24, 12:44:46
- Did you read the terms and conditions? (NCFC) - Yellalee, Jun 24, 12:44:31
- It's a pay channel. ITV Encore isn't. (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Jun 24, 12:43:32
- So it's not free? As in I have bt and sky sports which I pay for (n/m) (NCFC) - hucksmyman, Jun 24, 12:44:13
- Well, it's included in the channels you pay for. (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Jun 24, 12:45:51
- So it's not free? As in I have bt and sky sports which I pay for (n/m) (NCFC) - hucksmyman, Jun 24, 12:44:13
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