seems pretty sold a week for every year ive been there thanks all
New company better things and all that s**t. Fuck me the japs havent hung about with the company, still it couks be worse, I could be in one of the dealershops that they wanna shut!
Posted By: hucksmyman on May 17th 2012 at 19:06:29
Message Thread
- after getting home to find a letter from my work saying my job may (General Chat) - hucksmyman, May 17, 18:58:46
- i know a fair bit. depends on your age during your service (General Chat) - South_West_Canary, May 17, 19:09:42
- I started as an apprentice, will my employment begin when I was fully qualofied? (n/m) (General Chat) - hucksmyman, May 17, 19:12:23
- who 'employed' you during apprenticeship? (General Chat) - South_West_Canary, May 17, 19:14:48
- the company... (n/m) (General Chat) - hucksmyman, May 17, 19:16:20
- should start from then then, i.e. when your began apprenticeship (General Chat) - South_West_Canary, May 17, 19:17:48
- ah ok thankyou, and what do u mean? (General Chat) - hucksmyman, May 17, 19:20:31
- no prob. its a horrible process. i mean is there a union where you work? (General Chat) - South_West_Canary, May 17, 19:23:14
- there isnt a union but they have asked two from each dealership to attend (General Chat) - hucksmyman, May 17, 19:26:14
- no prob. its a horrible process. i mean is there a union where you work? (General Chat) - South_West_Canary, May 17, 19:23:14
- ah ok thankyou, and what do u mean? (General Chat) - hucksmyman, May 17, 19:20:31
- should start from then then, i.e. when your began apprenticeship (General Chat) - South_West_Canary, May 17, 19:17:48
- the company... (n/m) (General Chat) - hucksmyman, May 17, 19:16:20
- who 'employed' you during apprenticeship? (General Chat) - South_West_Canary, May 17, 19:14:48
- I started as an apprentice, will my employment begin when I was fully qualofied? (n/m) (General Chat) - hucksmyman, May 17, 19:12:23
- seems pretty sold a week for every year ive been there thanks all (General Chat) - hucksmyman, May 17, 19:06:29
- I think redundancy pay is 1 month per year you have been there (n/m) (General Chat) - Trent_Canary, May 17, 19:01:56
- .5 up to 21 years old, 1 22-40, 1.5 40plus (n/m) (General Chat) - South_West_Canary, May 17, 19:11:46
- Week. (n/m) (General Chat) - lurd, May 17, 19:06:04
- Minimum they can give you is a weeks pay for every year you've been there. (General Chat) - lurd, May 17, 19:01:42
- Bit more it than that... (General Chat) - BungysPie, May 17, 19:14:36
- thankyou! (n/m) (General Chat) - hucksmyman, May 17, 19:15:28
- Bit more it than that... (General Chat) - BungysPie, May 17, 19:14:36
- usually is worked out on how long your service has been there... (n/m) (General Chat) - Brandonio, May 17, 19:00:15
- i know a fair bit. depends on your age during your service (General Chat) - South_West_Canary, May 17, 19:09:42
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