I well remember the first time I took my eldest son

Asked him afterwards what he thought and he said "yes the football was very exciting" (it wasn't, this was us away at Wycombe and the game was...not great) "but people were very rude to the referee don't they realise how hard a job it is to do that?".

Didn't know whether to be proud of his evident empathy skills or to despair really. He's not got into football so much (some of my others have though).

I hope we give him a game to remember and enjoy it. A major boon for moving back to Nodge is that I can now walk to games. I can't imagine doing what I used to (travelling to home games from Berkshire with my home ST and then doing about three quarters of away games with my away ST) now, though if circumstances changed and I was able to get away easily at weekends I'd seriously consider giving it a go again!

Posted By: Old Man, Mar 14, 11:49:33

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