what I don't understand

is this whole - ooh, they changed it at half time, tactical masterstroke by s**te united stuff - surely there's a pretty finite class of changes you can make at HT - "we put an extra bloke in midfield", or "we pressed higher the pitch" or some such whatever that we've all heard about a million times, and equally, it should be pretty f**king obvious which one of the miniscule handful of things you can do, has now been done - so rather than sitting there looking totally mystified until the great reveal in the other manager's press conference after the game, why not react with one of the equally small number of "things you can do if they do x" moves ... I mean, football isn't really *that* complicated, is it? It's hardly some concealed manoeuvre that's going on. If there's an extra bloke in midfield, do you sit there thinking, s**te, where the feck did he come from?? and why have they got one fewer non midfielder types elsewhere? I mean Jack, what the f**k's happening here???
or maybe it's just so subtle that it's beyond me. probably is. anyway, i just wish they'd sort it out.
That, and Wilshire out.

Posted By: paulg, Mar 12, 19:04:43

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