some right old klaxons as to where nato is headed in the not so distant future i.e. ukraine:
one request for proposal (rfp) for Non-alarming PERD (Personal Emergency Radiation Dosimeter) – 60,000 each PERD – 800 sets Direct read PD (Personal Dosimeter) – 10,000 sets PRD (Personal Radiation Dosimeter) – 2,000 sets PRD-ER (Extended Range) – 6,500 sets.
another rfp for 7 deployable temporary camps based in germany for a minimum period of 2 years.
one for 61,700 tactical vest with ballistic protection
another for: 5000 NVG Finger Torch used on Military Aircrew, to illuminate the cockpit/work station areas within the Aircraft, where emergency illumination of instruments may be needed in the event of electrical failure.
if i didn't know any better i'd say the eu (nato -usa) were possibly contemplating bunging 60k boots on the ground in ukraine in the near future.
Posted By: Tombs, Mar 9, 20:38:08
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