The International Lawn Gnome Liberation Front"
Mission: To liberate garden gnomes from the tyranny of static decoration and grant them the freedom to experience the world.
Organizing secret "Rescue Raids" to relocate gnomes to new and exciting environments.
Hosting gnome appreciation parades where gnomes take center stage.
Creating a "Gnome Exchange Program" allowing gnome owners to swap their gnomes for a month-long vacation.
Ensure every gnome gets the chance to explore a new garden at least once a year.
Raise awareness about the static lives of gnomes and encourage people to rethink garden decorations.
Establish a network of "Gnome Sanctuaries" where retired gnomes can live out their golden years in peace.
Posted By: ghostof barry butler, Mar 9, 11:39:23
Written & Designed By Ben Graves 1999-2025