
"But now they have to put with sanctimonious bores mansplaining feminism on LinkedIn posts
to make them and their hideous companies look good. At least for them it's only one day a year and then they can carry on the rest of the year not giving a f**k."

Or today women can reflect on the past and compare it from a time when

Women are thankful they can have a bank account in their name
Have the right to own a property
Have the right to not be physically abused
The right to chos to procreate rather than be forced to bring up a rapists child (like many had to when men celebrated the war being over in Berlin, the so called "heroes")
The right to be in the army
The right to an education
Etc etc

Not just a cynical thing on LinkedIn at all.

If that's the bar then Rememberance day should be scrapped immediately

Posted By: Lentil Weaver, Mar 8, 15:59:37

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