That an increasing number of people reject the beeb as an entirely flawed and broken institution peddling fake news in a fully intentional way, in service of "them", i.e. the bbc like all the "fake msm" is telling you what "they" want you to think.
Most of the people that think this seem to be consuming news put together by new organisations funded by billionaires, all of whom are trying to persuade ordinary people that i) billionaires are heroes and should get tax cuts ii) worker rights, such as they are, should be stripped back to nothing iii) the welfare state should be rolled back to close to zero iv) other things paid for by general taxation like schools and the health service just need to be scrapped or opened to private provision.
It's really remarkable how successful the billionaires that sponsor so much of this "wake up sheeple" new news have been in getting ordinary folk to not only accept this agenda, but to loudly and violently advocate for and to celebrate all these things coming to pass. C.f. the US. Probably c.f. the UK soon enough.
Every day I wake up and need to give my head a wobble that this is the world I seem to live in.
Posted By: Under soil heating, Mar 5, 11:54:30
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