Beeb is too left wing or too right wing, too sensitive, too slow/careful to report news. But when you consider the huge output of the BBC from local radio and television, News, websites, every kinda of music catered for radio stations, World Service, Educational resources for schools, welfare and health advice, documentaries,drama and comedy,general family entertainment, global respect in the media world, Arts, Science, History…. I don’t think anything even comes close!
I have Netflix and Prime and barely watch either. Sometimes Netflix for series of things but most of the films are action/car chase/fighting films I find.
Prime? I forget I have it really other than Next Day delivery for orders ( which always strikes me as a strange mashup,
Films/Next Day Delivery, like Key Cutting/Heels at Timpsons) or the occasional footy match that I have no interest in.
I’m amazed that those who complain so actively about the BBC put all of their complete trust in huge American corporations such as X, Netflix,Amazon, because basically that’s the only alternative.
And before anyone says it, I think Channel 4 news is very good but obviously that’s part funded by the license fee as well. Sky News? I’m not sure about it, all a bit too many “swooshes” and headlines for me, a bit flash.
Posted By: Augustus Pablo, Mar 5, 08:28:27
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