it makes sense though that the usa has bilateral talks with russia

and for trump to do what is needed to force the eu to bring russia in from the cold to bring peace to the region. if stopping aid to ukraine is part of his ploy that is understandable also. it is precisely what the first bush administration did with russia over the unification of germany in 1990. the us first engaged with the then soviet leader mikhail gorbachev before referring to the other 4 parties invested in german unification, britain and france (because of their involvement in agreements that ended World War 2) and the two german states directly affected.

in spite of any hatred towards trump he should be at least congratulated for restoring diplomacy to the whole sorry meat grinder of a mess and for giving europe up big kick up the arse into long overdue action other than hiding behind arms donations whilst ukrainians and russians blew the s**t out of each other. the sooner this s**t is put to bed the better.

Posted By: Tombs, Mar 4, 08:53:33

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