they were open…one night leaving Manhattens or Spencers? I was in the company of a fine young lady I’d managed to charm, anyway there’s a church or quakers building a few lanes down.
Imagine the scene hand in hand, sneaking a kiss, hoping for more, then bang it hits me, I have to go quickly.
So I make an excuse we’re kinda near Head in the Clouds and I make some pathetic excuse about having to meet a mate for 2 minutes as I’ve got his key, I rush off find a convenient place (garden of above chapel) take a s**t, find a leaf, wipe my arse and there she stands looking divine, but shocked, I’m still holding a plant leaf covered in s**t. Needless to say she does a runner and to make matters worse I see her most weekends for months, whilst her and her mates laugh at me and probably nickname me ‘Shitleaf’ or whatever, anyway that’s my story and to be honest it’s scarred me, I won’t even s**t in front of the wife.
Posted By: BINMEN8R, Feb 28, 11:46:38
Written & Designed By Ben Graves 1999-2025