play piggy in the middle between two massive opposing forces with three plus years of combat experience? currently we are probably able to muster up a battalion based battle group of around a 1000-1200 troops at short notice which is like farting against thunder. or, at a push we could drag in some augmentees and reservists and a few bods from another nation or two and cobble together a brigade sized battle group of around 5,000 troops again, f**king peanuts ukraine is huge. the days of us projecting a fully bombed up all singing all dancing armoured divisional expeditionary force of 25k+ troops is long gone and even then it would need the support of oh, a country like the usa or similar.
maybe we could just send some boots and hope they sort it out. anyway you can't just send some boots you need air cover, naval support, heavy lift capability, logistical support, medical assets, forward operating bases, logistical supply pipelines, yada yada yada.
Posted By: Tombs, Feb 19, 21:02:28
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