...is how people are still confused and trying to work out what is going on.
Trump is a con artist and a grifter. Literally his whole life, he has gone from scam to scam. One after another, hairbrained schemes designed to separate the very gullible from their money. He's literally never done anything but this.
That's all this is now. A scam, wrapped up in a load of toxic class war bulls**t, support by a whole bunch of people that stand to personally profit, supported by a depressing majority of people that are sufficient desperate and/or f**king stupid to fall for it.
Trump doesnt believe anything he's saying. He doesnt care about any of these topics. He doesnt care about immigration, trade, Gaza, Ukraine, Russia, China, the poor, unemployment, vaccines. Whatever. He's never cared about ANYTHING but himself.
Everything he's doing at the moment is aimed at putting himself in a position to personally profit. He's going to do deals with Russia. He's going to rip off the Ukraine. He's literally getting paid off by US media companies in phony court settlements. He's doing digital coin scams....gutting the government and handing out contracts to his buddies.
While all his fans are clapping him playing 4d chess, and all his critics are trying to analyse for deeper meaning, the billionaires led by him are literally raiding the state, and f**king up all sorts of other parts of the world in the simple pursuit of personal wealth and power.
It's not f**king complicated, but its clearly working. Look at the absolute f**king morons just on here that are lapping it up. The world is, apparently, full of them. Well, just enough of the stupid, when combined with the utterly venal who dont give a f**k as long as they profit.
Tbh, i've given up caring. I never reveal anything about myself on here other than footy things, but I'm actually quite wealthy and none of this will touch me, other than violating ever principle and value I believe in. That to one side, if this is what the public want, f**k em.
There, that feels better.
Posted By: Under soil heating, Feb 19, 19:52:53
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