just waiting for Charles21 to confirm
From Argos: -
Does what it says on the tin!
Rating 4 out of 5
8 February 2025
4 of 5
Ease of use
5 of 5
Bought about 3 weeks ago, originally to replace my VM Hub 5 on Gig1 Fibre. The router lacked the ability to match the speed and range of the VM router, and so instead I have utilised it as an Access Point, essentially pairing it up with the VM router using an ethernet cable. In this configuration, it works perfectly, extending the range of my WiFi without sacrificing speed or latency. Would definitely recommend it if you were looking to achieve the same thing, or had an older router on a slower connection that you wanted to replace!
Charlie21, 18 - 24, Bristol
Posted By: Chris Peacock, Feb 17, 15:24:47
Written & Designed By Ben Graves 1999-2025