and someone, probably a yank or maybe a saudi, bungs a big ole ridiculous pile of billions at attanasssiioenio for a slice of the premier pie. they're desperate for it. i blame brian reynolds and the other prick.
from the independent......
"While serious American investment in European football is now 20 years old, going back to the Glazers, it was the Covid-19 pandemic that properly attuned that sphere to the opportunities much lower down the pyramid. There was a realisation of how robust football really was. As one executive said in this writer’s book, States of Play, “you couldn’t go to a family funeral but there was Fulham against West Brom”. The pandemic showed that the football industry was “bulletproof”, armoured by the long-term cash flows of broadcast contracts that few sectors could match. That made it a safe place to put money, amid low interest rates. Even more crucially, there was an opportunity to go with that security."
sort it out attananasnsanio.
Posted By: Tombs, Feb 10, 15:08:52
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