My favourite streamer does all kinds of streams. Mostly role play. But other times she plays magic the gathering.
Anyway, she does Tarot card readings and they are pretty intense. She does them for donations and also has a character on a Red Dead Redemption server where she reads tarot in game with a normal deck of playing cards.
Anyway, i often don't pay attention because im not very spiritual, and it's manipulation in many ways of what the other user is geeding her.
But, i was on her stream last year and she told a user in chat, who told where they are from that his football team will some big trophy/competition soon. She didn't know anything about nfl, she's Brazilian. He told her he lived in Philadelphia and she said some team associated fromthe energy was giving off will win some trophy. He said he was an Eagles fan. She didn't commit any further just told him it could be anything (his sons team at school but she got the energy of a winning situation).
He was joking around after her reading going "The Eagles are goung to win the Superbowl!"
Posted By: Lentil Weaver, Feb 10, 10:43:40
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