I'm immensely and eternally grateful for that. The person we used for the Alzheimer's video which moved so many people both to tears, and to donate, was Maggie, Annie's mum. Maggie sadly passed away in December, two days after my mum's funeral, so a tough period of time.
Anyway, I'm considering reaching out to you fine people once again. This time a good friend of ours, who has over the last few years succumbed to a horrendously debilitating and life shortening condition.
Andrew is the nicest person you could ever wish to meet, and before illness was involved in more charity/fundraising activities then I care to mention. Since his condition has deteriorated over the last couple of years he's become pretty much wheelchair bound.
He is going to join the Rob Burrows marathon in May, obviously not running but being helped by a great team of people pushing him around.
Last time I did this we raised over 2 grand just from the Wrath community, which was incredible. This time I'm simply going to ask if anyone can spare a fiver.
However, as I'm not physically doing anything towards this amazing gig, if more than 10 people donate a tenner, I'll post a video of me running around my garden, three times, naked.
I'll post more details and links to the official Rob Burrows giving page on Sunday. I'm too pissed to do it now, and tomorrow it'll get lost amongst all the post win celebratory bonanza postings.
Bon soiree mes amies.
Posted By: tudders, Feb 7, 21:00:14
Written & Designed By Ben Graves 1999-2025