They're doing a new Buffy

I'm delighted - I loved that show - and also curious as to how they'll do it. The original series had the horrors of adolescence as underlying metaphor. Now everyone's aged up, will we see Buffy fighting the menopause demon, the slightly intangible but definite issue with the lower back monster, the inability to remember why one walked into this particular room vampire?

I hope there's just enough fan service without getting too mawkish - it would be a mistake to bring Tara or Joyce back, for example, and you'd need a reason why Spike/Angel have aged (but that is very much not insurmountable - say they've got souls again, which ages them, tada). I hope it's about Buffy as a middle aged woman Doing Stuff not her as Ms Miyagi training the new generation.

No Joss Whedon which given what was said seems the only way it could happen. Doubt Xander will be back (the actor is a wife-beater; though his identical twin brother is also an actor so maybe that way idk). I'm definitely down for it; the writer is a good one so hopefully they make something decent out of it.

Posted By: Old Man, Feb 7, 11:32:20

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