In our own small way, we have learned the tricks of the big clubs, to allow us to invest.
- signing young investment players on long term contracts
- long term contracts give them every chance to improve and help the team and/or be sold for a profit
- nobody “old” being purchased, only profitable investments with lots of scope for improvement
- long term contracts smooth their purchase fee over long periods, meaning less of a worry from ffp.
- Our moving on of Hanley and Barnes will have helped free up resources for this.
- we are no longer horribly cash constrained. Under Delia, it wasn’t really ffp that stoped us spending, it was that we never really had the cash at hand and couldn’t or wouldn’t borrow. Now Attanasio will clearly inject cash if Knapper finds someone that looks good.
- a young CB, young DM and young winger is beyond my wildest dreams for this transfer window.
This is what our new model looks like in operation. Really quite different to what went before. If Knapper’s data work is actually good, and he’s identified some players with high ceilings, things could get very interesting.
Posted By: Under soil heating, Feb 3, 23:19:33
Written & Designed By Ben Graves 1999-2025