Had a mosy on over there yesterday and got a warm sense of Schadenfreude seeing them bend themselves into recriminations about poor recruitment, not keeping faith with the people who got them there, keeping too much faith in the players that got them there...
But it faded pretty quickly with the similar themes coming up - the clubs who went up last year are getting tonked and likely to be the ones coming back down - the necessary replacement of club stalwarts with overpriced players who have no attachment to the club and who fail to gel...
And the conclusion that football is f**ked (closed shop prem).
There's been a lot of self flagellation on here about stuff we could have done differently each time - getting the stars to align and bankrolling/breaching fair play to get a (probably temporary) foothold is the best that can be hoped for...
Anyway, still hope they go down.
Posted By: Cardiff Canary, Feb 2, 10:46:21
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