has nothing to do with the fact that tickets for our third round PROPER tie against brighton and gove albumen went on sale this very morning 9.30am, to season ticket holders in the first instance. (no mention of the second instance, instance lovers).
Season ticket holders' seats will be reserved until 9am on Monday, December 16. After this time, these tickets will be released and made available for sale to members.
Adults £15
65-plus £10
18 to 20 years £10
2 to 17 years £5
On-sale dates
Wednesday, December 11 - Season ticket holders
Monday, December 16 - Members
Thursday, December 19 - General Sale
don't forget to bring your tinfoil covered cardboard cut-out fa cups with you.
transmission ends
Posted By: Tombs, Dec 11, 12:26:54
Written & Designed By Ben Graves 1999-2025